Blush Horizon
A short animation made in Unreal Engine 4. The story is about a girl with magic power fighting alone after a catastrophe destroyed her home.
TIME: Dec. 2018

TEAM: S.J.Zhang Ellie Lin

ROLE: Scenic Design

TOOL: Unreal
Ideation: Abstract Settings
Based on the understanding of Fuse and Mixamo, we brainstormed and came up with this idea about creating an unreal magical world in Unreal Engine 4. For the setting, we wanted a character less like an average human, and the whole scene more abstract than our real world. The story, or what happens in the animation, should be logical but short and straightforward.
Ideation: Abstract Settings
Rigging and Animating
Thanks to Maximo’s integration with Fuse, we were able to auto-rig our character and choose from hundreds of preset motions.
Building the World
Customized Sky

We changed the default setting of the Skysphere, hided the sun and the cloud, erased the default texture materials attached to the sphere, adjusted the color of the sky and horizon.
Pink Ocean

We created a new level, followed a tutorial and learnt to play with blueprint to customize the material we got in the beginner content folders.
The World

Based on a central master plan as most of ancient temples, we built the world mainly with broken pillars and collided rocks.
Animating the Story
We started the scene from a short pan of the world followed by a sphere falling down from the sky. While the sphere being stopped by the girl, the camera moved toward the girl for a detailed shot and quickly circled to her back. The scene ended as the camera moved away slowly behind the girl.
I'm interested in scenic design and I do wanna gain more experiences in Unreal or Unity since I’m interested in applying 3D techniques to installation design (installation with architectural structure / visual illusion / scenic or spacial feelings, etc.).
Thanks for making it here
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